The River Risen – Mississippi River Flooding – Great River Road – Alton, Illinois

Last evening I evening I took a drive up the Great River Road (one of the great roads of America in my opinion) just north of Alton, curious to see how high the water was. It turns out that it was just several feet shy of the roadway. I suspect that it had already crested and was on its way down and the road may have been impassable only a little bit before. Even so, it was a strange feeling to have the wheels of my car almost parallel with the surface of the water. It almost looked like one was driving on the water. And I felt the power of the river like I have felt only a few times before. There were other pictures to be had along the water front, including a massive barge pulled up right against the side of the river by the road, but I left it too late to take my drive and the light was not sufficient, so these will have to suffice.

mississippi river high water river road -4 small

mississippi river high water river road -1 small

mississippi river high water river road -2 small

mississippi river high water river road -3 small

One thought on “The River Risen – Mississippi River Flooding – Great River Road – Alton, Illinois

  1. en mi opinión, son fotos muy bonitas al menoslasque he visto en otras tiradas de flores y todo eso,estas que van encaminadas en la vertida del petroleo y da pena como pueden terminar las cosas con los barcos viejos o antiguos,saludos


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