At the Beach in the Windy City – 31st St. Beach Surf – Chicago, Illinois – Lomo Arigato (Mr. Roboto)

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I don’t have nearly a good enough poker face to pretend that I am not excited at being recently “Freshly Pressed” by WordPress for this post. If you are here from there, thank you and welcome to the blog.

Yesterday was the last day of the annual weekend my friends and I take to Chicago every year, to shop and eat and see what we can see. This year we discovered 31st St. Beach and went to it three times, the last time spontaneously choosing to do so as we were driving out of the city on Lakeshore Drive and saw the breakers. A lifeguard at the beach said this was a pretty rare occurrence. It was splendid ending to the weekend.

Photographer P.S.

The effect on the photos is what I have been calling “Matt’s Lomo preset” for Lightroom for the longest time, but which is actually Lomo Arigato (Mr. Roboto), with a little toggling on each photo. And to give this preset its full due, it is the preset I use to get the intense sepia in photos such as “Steel Structures in Sepia” and ones such as “Market Street Downpour” or “Stacked.” I apply the Lomo effect and get the right brightness and contrast I want and then completely turn down the saturation. What appears is this lovely, intense sepia which I use quite often. The secret is out.