Rerun: Back With a Punch

In getting ready for an upcoming show, I went back to some old images and used Lightroom, which I did not have before, to help bump up their impact.

Below is a preview of a show I am in along with a few other artists opening here next Friday. If you are in the St. Louis area, come on out. Details to follow.

These four images will be presented together in one frame.

lily pond small

lily pond-2 small

lily pond-3 small

lily pond-4 small

Guest Blogger: Niece Gracie: Falling and the Fallen

My brother allows his daughter to experiment with a pretty nice camera, with instructions for careful use. The other day he pointed out some leaves at the bottom of the hot tub to her and then went away to do some other stuff. This is one of the images she produced of submerged and reflected leaves. Pretty cool. You, go, girl.

double leaves