Easter Wine – Casal Garcia Vinho Verde Rose – Parker’s Table – St. Louis

For most of my life, looking at this picture, I would have felt obliged to caption it with part of a saying in Psalm 23, “Do not gaze at wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it goes down smoothly!” Indeed, I still believe that there is wisdom in that saying in its complete context. And, yet, only tonight in Bible study we read and talked about Jesus being the new wine, which was not to be poured into old wineskins. And you can read for yourself here about how he produced the finest of wines for the wedding of friends as his beautiful, beneficent first miracle. I think it must have been a rose.

Speaking of new wine, this rose from the Casal Garcia winery in the Vinho Verde region of Portugal, in my mind, was perfect for Easter day–light and sweet and fresh, like life returning–without being at all cloying. There will, thank God, be time and time and time again for the dark, dark red of Good Friday wine, of communion wine, but on Easter and Pentecost, though, the light and new seem fitting to me!

This particular rose has such a pretty label, too.

-image from Tony Fletcher’s Jamming

And if you live in St. Louis and like fine wines and beers, you really ought to know about Parker’s Table where this wine was bought, centrally located close to the southwest corner of Forest Park. Go and show them some love; they will return the favor.