Good Friday Haiku – St. Louis Tornado / Storms – April 22, 2011

church in a basement,
tornado sirens wail; we
are not forsaken

the communion loaf
is scored, grooves like lash marks baked
into remembrance

one body, one flesh,
making it home we find a
city blown by wrath

The congregants at Grace and Peace Fellowship did have to go to the basement to finish the last half of their service unplugged and huddled around tables.

There turned out to be no damage in the immediate area, but coming home I found out about the damage at the airport and other areas. I also learned that a friend and his wife, who is 7 months pregnant, lost their home. And two dear young women from my own church, who lost their mother this past year and have had more than their share of trouble, also lost their home. Please pray for these two families and others who have lost so much.

Amidst it all, I do believe that Good Friday is still indeed good, and that because of it, because Christ was forsaken on the cross, we need not be, in life or in death.